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Getting Started with AstroAPI

Let's get started. Make your first request within 5 minutes.

Getting Started

Get started by signing into your AstroAPI Dashboard.

What you'll need

  • An active trial or subscription
  • Postman to test the request

Generate an API Key

Navigate to 'API Keys' in the menu on the left side. Press the 'Create' button, enter a name for your API Key and press 'Save'.

A pop-up will appear showing your newly created API key. Take note because you won't be able to see this again.

Create a request in Postman

Create a request in Postman. We will calculate a natal horoscope. You can find the API Reference by navigating to 'API' in the top menu.

Change the method to POST and set the URL to

In the 'Headers' tab, add the following header:

  • Key: X-Api-Key
  • Value: [the API Key you generated earlier]

In the 'Body' tab, select 'raw' and change the type from 'Text' to 'JSON'. Enter the following in the textarea:

"dateTime": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"latitude": 50.8476424,
"longitude": 4.3571696

The response should be:

"planets": [
"planet": "SUN",
"longitude": {
"value": 279.85917160303467,
"seconds": 33,
"minutes": 51,
"degrees": 279
"degreeInSign": {
"value": 9.859171603034667,
"seconds": 33,
"minutes": 51,
"degrees": 9
"house": "HOUSE_3",
"speed": 1.0291811216821063,
"retrograde": false,
"sign": "CAPRICORN",
"text": null
"houseCusps": [
"house": "HOUSE_1",
"longitude": {
"value": 190.18024552762853,
"seconds": 48,
"minutes": 10,
"degrees": 190
"degreeInSign": {
"value": 10.180245527628529,
"seconds": 48,
"minutes": 10,
"degrees": 10
"sign": "LIBRA",
"text": null
"aspects": [
"planet1": "TRUE_NODE",
"planet2": "VESTA",
"aspect": "TRINE",
"distance": {
"value": 121.73243173674304,
"seconds": 56,
"minutes": 43,
"degrees": 121
"degreeInSign": {
"value": 1.7324317367430382,
"seconds": 56,
"minutes": 43,
"degrees": 1
"zodiacSign": "LEO",
"text": null
"angles": [
"angle": "ASCENDANT",
"degrees": {
"value": 190.18024552762853,
"seconds": 48,
"minutes": 10,
"degrees": 190
"elements": [
"element": "AIR",
"points": 2,
"text": null
"zodiacPoints": [
"zodiacSign": "ARIES",
"strength": 1,
"text": null
"chartUrl": "https://..."